At Union Insurance we are committed to providing our customers with superior service. If you believe that we didn’t deliver the right service at any touchpoint, we want to hear from you immediately.
We take all complaints very seriously and regard them as an opportunity to enhance our operational efficiency.
Please help us resolve your grievance in a fair and prompt manner by filling the form.
In case you are dissatisfied with our final response or if there is any delay (more than 15 working days), please contact the insurance regulator quoting Union Insurance complaint reference number.
Sanadak (Central Bank)
Dubai Health Authority (for any health insurance complaints, Click Here)
To know more about our complaints handling process, please click here
UIC's private health insurance offers you both choice and flexibility to help you find a healthcare plan that suits your requirements perfectly, as well as those of your family. From diagnosis to medical treatment, our coverage is carefully designed to secure your health and with it, your peace of mind.
Nothing is more important than being able to provide for your loved ones despite any eventuality. Regardless of your situation in life, you're guaranteed to find a life insurance plan that is perfectly tailored to your needs among the extensive range on offer below.
Whether it's the theft of your personal belongings or structural damage caused by a natural disaster, our comprehensive coverage addresses every single contingency that poses a potential threat to your home, and takes steps to protect you from it.
UIC's group health insurance plans are designed for companies of all sizes, providing employers with straightforward solutions that are guaranteed to protect the interests of their employees as well as their organisation.
UIC's property insurance addresses a wide range of risks, ranging from accidental mishaps to natural calamities. Regardless of the size of your business, we have addressed every measure you need to consider to protect it, as you can see from the array of plans available below.
Whether you want to secure your vessel from external risks or protect the valuable cargo on board, UIC's marine insurance plans offer coverage for every risk you've thought of - as well as some you haven't - to ensure your security at sea.
UIC's fully tailored engineering insurance plans are designed to meet specific risks faced by the engineering industry. We offer security to you and your employees by addressing the particular requirements of your company and protecting you from legal costs, compensation, and expenses.
UIC offers an extensive range of plans to secure yourself, as well as your business, from any sort of liability that may arise suddenly and unexpectedly. This is supplemented by round the clock customer care that will provide you with immediate assistance and make your journey with us as smooth as possible.